Libris Britannia 4
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Assembly Source File
140 lines
PAGE ,132
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is a sample TSR A/D converter driver for N6NKF's spectrum
; analyzer program. Add code to read samples from your A/D
; converter to make your own driver.
; On entry, AX contains either -1 if this call is to set
; the sample rate of your A/D converter hardware, or a positive number,
; NUMSAM, if this call is intended to return NUMSAM samples from the A/D.
; NUMSAM may be as large as 1024. The driver should buffer at least this
; many samples, and be ready to deliver them to the calling program on
; demand.
; ES:BX contains a pointer to the address of the buffer, into which
; we are supposed to place the A/D converter samples.
; Suggest you replace the routines SETSAM and GETSAM with your own
; code, but leave the routine intF1 as is. SETSAM and GETSAM may
; use any registers.
; To build this program... > MASM samtsr;
; > LINK samtsr;
; > EXE2BIN samtsr.exe samtsr.com
; > DEL samtsr.exe
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cseg segment para public 'code'
org 100H ;COM files must start at 100H
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
;Main routine. This code executes once when you run the TSR. It sets up
;interrupts, sets up your A/D converter hardware, then executes the DOS
;TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) call.
TSR proc near ;
; set F1 interrupt to vector to our interrupt routine...
mov dx,offset cseg:intF1 ;addr of our interrupt handler
mov ah,25H ;set vector
mov al,0F1H ;for for our interrupt
int 21H ;doscall
; do the DOS Terminate & Stay Resident function..
mov ah,31H ;TSR function
mov al,0 ;success return code
mov dx,offset cs:high_address ;highest addr in program
add dx,15 ;round up
mov cl,4 ;cnvt to
shr dx,cl ;paragraphs
int 21H ;doscall
tsrend: jmp tsrend ;the doscall should never return
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Software interrupt handler for F1 interrupt. This is the entry point
; by which the spectrum analyzer calls the driver.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
intF1 proc far ;
jmp in2 ;jmp around identification words
dw 0FAFAH ;this jmp and two id words expected by calling
dw 0FAFAH ;pgm, and used to verify that TSR is present
in2: push ds ;save critical registers
sti ;reenable interrupts
cmp ax,-1 ;set sample rate call?
je tsrssr ;so go do it.
call getsam ;invoke a routine to get some samples
jmp intxit ;and return
tsrssr: call setsam ;invoke a routine to set sample rate
intxit: pop ds ;restore
iret ;and return
intF1 endp ;
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;SETSAM -- routine to set sample rate...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
setsam proc near ;
mov ax,es:[bx] ;get sample rate
mov dx,es:+1[bx] ;get sample rate
; now dx,ax contains the desired sample rate in units of samples
; per second. insert instructions here which write this to your
; hardware...
ret ;return
setsam endp
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;GETSAM -- routine to read samples into the input buffer...
;replace this with code which reads samples from your A/D converter.
;I urge you to use interrupts (or whatever mechanism) to allow this driver to
;read samples from your A/D converter while the spectrum analyzer program
;is computing. When the program needs the next buffer of samples, it will
;call this driver, which will simply transfer a buffer of samples which have
;accumulated. This overlapped processing allows the program to run much
;faster than a simple wait-for-the-samples-then-return approach.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
getsam proc near ;
mov cx,ax ;#samples
mov di,bx ;destination address now in es:di
mov si,offset samples ;some example samples
mov ax,cs ;which are in code segment of course
mov ds,ax ;because this loads as a .COM program
cld ;forward direction
rep movsw ;xfer buffer of samples to calling program
ret ;return
getsam endp ;
samples: ;sample buffer which already contains
;some samples...
rept 1024/40+1 ;>1024 samples of a square wave
dw 20 dup ( 8192)
dw 20 dup (-8192)
high_address equ this byte ;symbol for highest address used in the code
;segment (the only segment) in this TSR.
;allows DOS to know how much memory we need
;when we Terminate & Stay Resident
cseg ENDS
end tsr ;specify entry point